Tickling ankles the seaweed wraps
Around your skin you kick it off
Wading further into the water
Running your fingertips over the surface
And feeling the water tug gently for
You to come closer, feel its' gentle caress
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow
Casting your arms out around you and
Swimming until your feet don't touch ground
A large wave breaks over you sending you
Tumbling through the water so you don't know
Which was is up or down,
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow
You're pushed and you're pulled every which way
You pray for it to stop as you inhale what feels like
Gallons upon gallons of water, it hurts your lungs
To try and push it out, You grasp for anything around
You finding nothing but water on all sides
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow
The consciousness has been knocked from your mind
Spinning to the drumbeat in your ears that is your
Heart thump thump thumping away the beacon of
Hope that is slowly slowly getting fainter.
As every one of your memories comes running at you
In a rush of colour and sound
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow
Someone yanks you from your watery prison tightly
Strong arms encircle your waist Thump . . Thump
'You're ok' is the last thing you hear before you're out
The memories race from your mind and you sit up
Coughing up an ocean full of water retching until it
Pains you to retch anymore. Thump Thump.
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow